#RealCollege Curriculum
A masterclass for higher education professionals
Poverty Has Changed Higher Education
At least 4 million college students are struggling to learn and succeed because they lack sufficient food, safe housing, childcare options, transportation, access to healthcare and other unmet basic needs. These barriers can make it difficult for students to stay enrolled and engaged academically.
The #RealCollege Curriculum is making sure every professor, staff member, and administrator knows how to help.
Students Are Humans First
A masterclass for higher education professionals and their partners, the #RealCollege Curriculum helps colleges and universities increase the equitable use of holistic student supports.
Students are clear: it’s not enough to offer a food pantry or even a basic needs center. The professionals on the frontlines in every classroom need preparation on how to help by treating students like humans first.
The #RealCollege Curriculum’s Values
“We need to design our pedagogical approaches for the students we have, not the students we wish we had. This requires approaches that are responsive, inclusive, adaptive, challenging, and compassionate. And it requires institutions find more creative ways to support teachers and prepare them for the work of teaching. This is not a theoretical exercise — it is a practical one.”
Sara Goldrick-Rab and Jesse Stommel,
Teaching the Students We Have Not the Students We Wish We Had
The People behind the Curriculum
Founded by National Experts
Drs. Sara Goldrick-Rab and Jesse Stommel translate learnings from their globally-renowned professional communities–#RealCollege Convenings and Digital Pedagogy Lab–in the Curriculum.
Powered by National Philanthropy
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, ECMC Foundation, Imaginable Futures, and Michelson 20MM provide the financial backing.
Led by an Experienced Nonprofit
Believe in Students, an organization with deep roots in education and student support oversees and administers our curriculum.
Featuring Acclaimed Educators
The Curriculum benefits from the wisdom and support of many national leaders, including Drs. Keith Curry, Dhanfu Elston, Virginia Fraire, Paul LeBlanc, Jermaine Williams and other Advisory Board members.
Backed by Renowned Partners
Soledad O’Brien Productions and the American Federation of Teachers led critical support to enhance the Curriculum.
Learn More about the #RealCollege Curriculum
Introductory Course Now Available!
The #RealCollege Curriculum starts with a course teaching participants how and why addressing students’ basic needs matters, offering a language and framework for support.
Course 1 is available for free in Fall/ Winter 2024 by contacting Dr. Gralon Johnson, Director of Program Strategy and Services.
If you already have access, click here to get started!
Additional courses, including one focused on parenting students, will be released in 2025.
Full pricing information and opportunities for both individuals and institutions to take the course is coming soon. Click here to sign up for more information!

Watch our recent webinar
Did you miss our recent webinar? Tune in to this discussion to discover how you can help colleges support all students more equitably!