FAST Fund Sites

 The evidence is clear:  Deserving students are everywhere, and their desire for an education is all the commitment we need to observe.


Faculty And Students Together

It’s hard to focus on school when you don’t know what you will eat or where you will sleep, who will take care of your children, or how you’ll get between school and work. These are emergency needs, and more than half of all college students will experience these challenges. When there are problems on campus, whether individual or school-wide, students are more likely to go to professors to discuss it than to administrators. FAST stands for “Faculty and Students Together.” We help college professors and staff help their students, distributing emergency aid FAST.

Help Students

Put your care for them front and center.

Hassle Free Application

Don’t ask students to do prohibitive paperwork. (i.e., FAFSA)

Move Quickly

Make a decision without imposing a waiting period.

Simple and effective

Emergency aid for college students is typically administered by institutions using highly bureaucratic processes that double down the problems in the current financial aid system. Time-consuming applications pretend to sort deserving from “undeserving” students, and long waiting periods and other requirements create processes full of stigma and delay. We take the opposite approach. We give the money to professors, and they give it to students. And studies of our largest and oldest program show that it works.

When students tell us what they need, we believe them.

Backing Students Chasing their Dreams

Our students are, in the words of a longtime professor, “trying to do something for themselves in a country that does very little to help them. We’ve shredded the social safety net; we’ve defunded our public colleges and public schools. Yet, against all these odds, they are trying to succeed with the only thing left out there that is a life raft—which is education.”

Just like many parents help their children pay a last-minute bill, or friends spot you cash when you’re short, we help college students who have nowhere else to turn. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it works.

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