#RealCollege Curriculum

What is the #RealCollege Curriculum?

While the college-going population is more diverse and more than half of all students experience basic needs insecurity at some point in their college career, very few of the higher education professionals who serve them have any education or training on the topic.

Equitable, inclusive colleges and universities require a workforce that centers students as humans first. With limited budgets and tight schedules, professional development must be engaging and efficient. That’s where the #RealCollege Curriculum comes in. The #RealCollege Curriculum is a masterclass for addressing students’ basic needs.


The #RealCollege Curriculum is an equitable, cost-effective approach to disseminating lessons from the #RealCollege movement across the country. For our first phase, we were pleased to partner with Never Whisper Justice, an award-winning, justice-centered media company that fuses bold storytelling with concrete social impact, and the Equity Avengers, a collection of higher education leaders whose mission is to engage, educate, and empower higher education organizations and individuals to eliminate student opportunity and outcome gaps by cultivating partnerships and resources necessary to embed racial equity, critical humility, and learning across our systems.

The project will benefit from the engagement of Dr. Sara Goldrick-Rab, whose leadership of the movement has spawned empirical research, evidence from practice, and tools for improvement; and Dr. Jesse Stommel, a leader in higher education pedagogy and pioneer in impactful digital teaching strategies.

Are you interested in learning more?

Discover the power of the #RealCollege Curriculum and let us guide you on a transformative journey. Fill out the information forum below, and someone from our team at Believe in Students will reach out to you shortly. Let’s create a brighter future together.

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